Thursday, June 23, 2005

The very first blog of Vinit Oza

Well well well.. so I finally managed a blog... everyones doing it so I thought Id join the bandwagon and go for it...

Honestly I feel good having taken the trouble... and I hope to keep furnishing it with bits of my life...

As of now this much effort is enough Im exhausted!


Blogger mindless_ramblings... said...

ok... its a start.. except the name is really lame.. so....ermm
also you didnt mention me as your it totally blows.. otherthan that its black and thats a good color.


and remember keep the effort going.. one day may be you'll get an A+.

12:31 AM  
Blogger mindless_ramblings... said...

ok thats a much better name..
your getting there...

12:33 AM  
Blogger Vinit said...

life is a journey of knowledge eh!

Oh yes.. and many thanks to tinkerbell for being my inspiration (atleast as far as creating a blog is concerned)

Thanks tinkerbell!

12:35 AM  

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