Water Day

Just to put it into perspective, if all of Mumbai was flat, it would be under more than 3 feet of water. 150,000 people, including my sister who hasn't gone back home since last evening (she's okay though, she stayed in her office) have been stranded. It's the worst rainfall in recorded history. For once, the people of Mumbai are asking for the rains to stop!
For those of you who aren't familiar with Mumbai rains, its not like the pleasant drizzle that you see in England. Its torrential. Its like a spitfire spewing out machinegun bullets from the heavens. Umbrellas stop being effective and the only way to escape it is to be in a car. And even then you hear the constant bombarding on your roof. Its a very peculiar thing... when you pass under a bridge, theres a short silent respite and then there's literally a waterfall cascading over the sides of the bridge! Its quite an experience actually.
I've never really been a fan of rain. The only thing I like about the monsoons is the smell of the first rains. After that I just hate it. And this just makes it worse.
true, me not fond of the rains either.
i mean we have showers for that.
but i am fond of the greens after the rains so i shouldnt complain.
But deluged Mumbai is the worst it can get.
I hope your family is ok and safe at home.
Oh and btw, yes, i WILL write everyday and yes, i WILL write anything i please and
yes, you MAY NOT be sarcastic about it. :)
oh yeah I know that was only a retort to your smart alec comment on the previous post :) Don't worry no love lost!
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